
Saturday, 11 February 2017

Where have the TWINO peer to peer lending loans gone?

The month of February 2017 has been very sparse for Twino peer to peer lending loans. In fact I think I have only managed to pick up a dozen since the start of the month with my auto investing feature. This is a stark contrast to the amount of loans that I have experienced flowing through the platform since I started lending my money there. Hopefully this is not something to worry
about with the Twino platform and is in actual fact just less people taking out loans this month but I guess only time will tell.
After receiving a couple of defaulted class B and C loans as mentioned in an earlier blog post I decided to sell off my remaining non buyback guarantee loans and all sold apart from the delayed loans I had. Unexpectedly all the remaining loans that were delayed ended up paying up and I managed to sell them, this has now left me with the sinking feeling of wondering if o should have just held onto some of them class B and C loans as the ones that were good were paying great amount of interest. I may decide in the near future to try a small amount on those classes of loans again and ride it out to its conclusion instead of selling off at the first slight sign of trouble. This is if we get anymore loans to invest in which right now doesn't seem to be the case.

For now I will scale down my investment in Twino as I find it to be a pretty pointless exercise having money left in the holding account collecting no interest at all, hopefully as the month progresses further his will change. Towards the end of February/March I'm hoping to see some of the Spanish buyback guarantee loans filtering through that I spoke about in my last blog post.

I think now may well be the time that I find a new peer to peer lending platform to start investing in for times when loans at Twino are a little short. At the moment I am enjoying investing in these European platforms with their high interest rates and buyback guarantee features so if anyone has any suggestions please let me know in the comments below.

Edit*** I have emailed Twino to see if they will come here and give us an official response to the reason for the lack of loans.

Twino responds.

Twino did not want to post a reply on this blog however they are happy for me to take their email response and post it onto the blog post.

In response to this blog post Twino states:

Thank you for contacting us.
 Unfortunately we will not able to comment on your blog post. We can let you know here, that new loans are added every night, but currently the demand for investment loans is higher than the supply we have to offer, as January and February have been slow months in lending. The new loans are sold out shortly after they have been added to the platform. We are working to increase the volumes and plan to add other products to the platform very soon and will keep you updated via e-mail Newsletters. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
 Best regards, TWINO Team"
I am very happy Twino took the time to get back to me and for me personally it has settled a few nerves that were starting to prevail. Hopefully as mentioned before, once the Spanish loans surface we should find that we have more loans to add to our portfolios.

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